MEET THE AUTHOR Podcast: LIVE - Featuring Australian novelist PAUL RUSHWORTH BROWN.
Find out how Paul went from history nerd to genealogist to self-published indie author to a global best-selling historical fiction/mystery author.
The US Times said, 'Modern writers usually don't know what it was like to live in the past, but Rushworth-Brown does this with great skill in his accomplished, atmospheric and thoughtful novels.
' Wednesday, June 21,2023 - 7:00 PM ET (Florida, USA),
June 22 9:00AM 2023 (Australia)
June 22 4:30AM 2023 (Delhi).
Wednesday, June 8:00pm (Rio de Janeiro),
Thursday, 22 June 12:00 midnight (London)
Although you might be the kind of person who reads every new book that comes out, no matter the genre, there's just something about historical books. Knowing that a story actually happened — or is at least loosely based on something that happened — somehow makes it so much more intriguing and powerful. Whether you're into the opulent life of the English monarchy, courageous stories of soldiers during the English Civil War, or accounts from everyday folks who witnessed major historical moments, books based on history can offer a lot — romance, comedy, action, horror and sometimes a little bit of all four. Such as Novels by Paul Rushworth-Brown author of Skulduggery, Red Winter Journey and Dream of Courage.

Paul's novels are authentic and gritty, with twists and turns the reader won't see coming. He paints a realistic image of how peasants would have lived in the 16th and 17th centuries. However, that is only the backdrop to suspenseful and mysterious stories with romantic tones. His novel 'Red Winter Journey' has been nominated for the NSW Premier's Literary Awards (Christina Stead Prize for fiction). His new novel 'Dream of Courage' has been long listed for the Historical Fiction Club’s Book of the Year Award and will be released in November.
Paul has been a guest on the ABC, BBC, America Tonight with Kate Delaney and regularly features on the Witty Writers Show in the US. The US Times said, 'Modern writers usually don't know what it was like to live in the past, but Rushworth-Brown does this with great skill in his accomplished, atmospheric and thoughtful novels.'
Links to watch or listen to all episodes at:
ABOUT PAUL: Paul Rushworth-Brown was born in Maidstone, Kent, England, in 1962. He spent time in a foster home in Manchester before emigrating to Canada with his mother in 1972. He spent his teenage years living and attending school in Toronto, Ontario, where he also played professional soccer in the Canadian National Soccer League. In 1982, he emigrated to Australia to spend time with his father, Jimmy Brown, who moved there from Yorkshire in the mid-fifties.
Paul was educated at Charles Sturt University in New South Wales, Australia and became a teacher in 2002. He became a writer in 2015 after his originally self-published novel 'Skulduggery' was picked up by Shawline Publishing. Paul's novels are authentic and gritty, with twists and turns the reader won't see coming. He paints a realistic image of how peasants would have lived in the 16th and 17th centuries. However, that is only the backdrop to suspenseful and mysterious stories with romantic tones. His novel 'Red Winter Journey' has been nominated for the NSW Premier's Literary Awards (Christina Stead Prize for fiction). His new novel 'Dream of Courage' will be released in November.
Paul has been a guest on the ABC, BBC, America Tonight with Kate Delaney and regularly features on the Witty Writers Show in the US. The US Times said, 'Modern writers usually don't know what it was like to live in the past, but Rushworth-Brown does this with great skill in his accomplished, atmospheric and thoughtful novels.'
Paul Rushworth-Brown is the author of three published novels.

He was born in Maidstone, Kent, England in 1962. He spent time in a foster home in Manchester before emigrating to Canada with his mother in 1972. He spent his teenage years living and attending school in Toronto, Ontario, where he played professional soccer in the Canadian National Soccer League. In 1982, he emigrated to Australia to spend time with his father, Jimmy Brown who had moved there from Yorkshire in the mid-fifties.
Paul was educated at Charles Sturt University in New South Wales, Australia. He became a writer in 2015 when he embarked on a six-month project to produce a written family history for his children, Rachael, Christopher and Hayley.

Skulduggery - A family of copyholders, live each day in isolation from the village, but an attack on one of their own puts them all in grave danger. This story carefully navigates the backdrop of the English Reformation, populating it with likable and despicable characters, and casting them in a fully realised historical mystery setting. It's a slice of history that's totally, utterly believable, and unbelievable. The twists will surprise and the ending is totally unexpected even for the most astute of readers.
स्कुलडगरी - किसानों का एक परिवार, प्रत्येक दिन गाँव से अलग-थलग रहता है, लेकिन उनके अपने में से एक पर हमला उन सभी को गंभीर खतरे में डाल देता है। यह कहानी अंग्रेजी सुधार की पृष्ठभूमि को ध्यान से नेविगेट करती है, इसे आकर्षक और घृणित पात्रों के साथ आबाद करती है, और उन्हें पूरी तरह से महसूस की गई ऐतिहासिक रहस्य सेटिंग में डालती है। यह इतिहास का एक टुकड़ा है जो पूरी तरह से, पूरी तरह से विश्वसनीय और अविश्वसनीय है। ट्विस्ट आश्चर्यचकित करेंगे और अंत पूरी तरह अप्रत्याशित है।

Red Winter Journey - England, 1642. When bloody civil war breaks out between the King and Parliament, families and communities are driven by different allegiances. Red Winter Journey is a sweeping tale of adventure and loss, sacrifice and love, with a unique and unforgettable story of a mother’s love for her son at its heart. A historic journey of twists, turns and a dash of spirited passion.
Dream of Courage- Reading this book can feel like time travel as you let the world pass by and explore a new one. The Rushworths are poor, hungry tenants of the Puritan Jasper Calamy, of Haworth manor, and scratch out a living tending a few sheep, spinning and weaving wool on put out from passing clothiers. Young Robert Rushworth and John Rushworth leave home and stumble across a way to make their fortune, in the Briggate in Leeds. Pursued by John Wilding, a brogger and brute of a man, with no manners or decorum, typical of the ‘lower sort’ of the time. Smythe, the local tavern keeper, has many secrets and with a hidden past, sends Robert to The Haven, to Captain Girlington of 'The Pearl'. Will Robert escape before it's too late? Will he hang? Will Robert and Ursula ever be together?
Such a good interview!😀